All of this accomplished at a fraction of the cost of traditional phone and mail methods
After using Me+U’s mobile outreach tool that included a PHI secure personal video message from the care manager.
And 96% said YES to receiving a Care Kit significantly reducing cost and resulting in gap closures.
Gap closure for Well Child visits after 3 Me+U messages
Increase in gaps in care closures for STDs within 60 days.
The number of dental appointments and 4X the number of new dentist appointments made in 30 days
Through rate on med reminders within 3 days.
Prescription fill rate in 90 days compared to members receiving no Me+U message.
Of members responded yes to help making an appointment, resulting in 83% scheduling a provider visit.
Members refill prescriptions within 90 Days increased 2x with Me+U
Average opt out rate
Related to reductions in ED visits
Related to reductions in costs of care due to increase in Diabetes prevention, screenings, med adherence
Targeted chronic population requesting Care Manager outreach increased 4X with Me+U versus phone calls
Response rate from targeted population
Readmits for members with diabetes when family caregivers were engaged.
For members with family caregiver involvement attributed to improved home care, use of urgent care, & early intervention driven by caregivers
Increase from 75% to 90% in overall member satisfaction due to the involvement of trusted family caregivers in their health and wellness journey.
Critical closures within 60 days to meet state benchmarks and exceed Annual Quality targets
Increased diabetic members doctor appointments 3x (from 19% to 62%)
Primary Care appointments increased 30% in 90 days; Dentists appointments doubled